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- Palomino, Honey
Page 6
He was right.
I was soaked.
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Diana went to work. When I argued with her that it was Saturday, she said she worked seven days a week. I wasn’t sure I believed her - I figured she was just trying to get away from my irresistible charms, but whatever.
I don’t know how I let her get out the door. It was pure fucking hell enduring the night in her condo, knowing how close she was. Knowing how hard I was, and how much we both wanted each other.
She was pure perfection.
Perfect face, perfect eyes, perfect hair, and a body that just wouldn’t quit. Those tits. That ass. Those petite little legs with the strongest thighs I had ever felt as I remembered how they had gripped me as I went to town on her clit.
Fuck. I was hard again, just thinking about her. It was fucking torture, and she knew it. Why she was making me wait for what we both knew was going to go down, I had no idea. She was hiding behind the excuse of needing to focus on finding her sister, but I suspected it was something else entirely.
Hell, she had just met her sister, so I knew she couldn’t be too broken up about her.
And, if there was one thing I had learned about women, it was that their bodies didn’t lie. Her flushed cheeks, the way she kept biting her lip every time she looked at me, her breasts heaving as she tried to control herself. Dead giveaways.
The only thing that kept me from ripping her clothes off last night and this morning was knowing we would get there eventually. The waiting would only make it that much sweeter.
I’d let her have her space. I knew she wouldn’t be able to hold out too much longer anyway.
My throbbing cock wasn’t as patient as I was, though.
I laid around her condo all day. I made myself breakfast. Then lunch. I thought about going for a walk, but the thought of running into the nutcracker dude again wasn’t appealing to me.
And besides, I hated Portland.
This city did nothing but remind me of my past, and that was the last thing I wanted to think about. I had everything I needed in her fully stocked kitchen, including a six pack of beer, so I watched TV, and rubbed a few orgasms out of my screaming cock, hoping to somehow find some relief from the excruciating pain. It didn’t work.
There was only one thing this monster wanted, and hopefully she would be home very soon.
Once noon rolled around, I called Ryder. He was used to me getting a wild hair up my ass and disappearing in the middle of the night, so I knew he wouldn’t be too concerned, and I was right.
“Hey, bro,” he answered.
“Ryder. My man. Just checking in.”
“Right on. Where are you?”
“I’m in Portland, actually. Currently sitting in a luxury high rise condo in the middle of The Pearl.”
“What the fuck? What kind of bullshit did you get yourself into?”
“No bullshit, man. Remember that little tight assed blonde reporter from a few months back? I brought her back to the clubhouse? When all that shit went down with Lacey?”
And some freaky shit it was, too. Lacey was Riot’s girl now, but when we met her she was neck-deep in some serious shit. She had killed her abuser and pimp, who just happened to be the mayor of fucking Seattle. She had some balls, that girl. And the day I met Diana, Lacey had just killed her mother, who had sold her to the pimp in the first place. It was fucked up, and all over the news. Which is why Diana was there in the first place.
“Yeah, I remember.”
“Yeah, right. Well, she called me last night. Needs me to accompany her to a meeting tonight, so I came in a little early to um…well, you know.”
“Yeah, brother, I get it. Can you handle this meeting on your own?”
“Oh, for sure. It’s no big deal. To tell you the truth, I think the little filly was just yearning for another taste of The Slade.”
“Right, brother,” Ryder laughed. “Call me if you need me.”
The phone clicked in my ear, and I hung up with a smile.
I loved that dude. Ryder was one of my favorite people in the whole world. I missed hanging out with him. He spent most of his time with Grace now, the woman he had saved and started Solid Ground with. And she was great, too.
These days, Ryder even seemed to delegate most of the club business to the rest of the Gods, while he focused most of his time on working with Grace. I’m not complaining, though, because they were doing good work.
Hell, they…we…had saved over a dozen women so far, in addition to Lacey. It gave us sad-sack bikers a chance to redeem ourselves a little.
And after all the shit we had been through and done, we needed a little redemption.
I sat on Diana’s bed, waiting for her to finish getting ready to go to her meeting with Sapphire. My eyes trailed over her body, and my cock twitched.
She had kept her distance since she got home, trying to be all business, but I wasn’t making it easy on her, and I knew it. Not that I was fucking trying, though.
When she got home, I was in the shower. I walked out totally nude, dripping wet, with my cock raging.
“Hey babe, where are your towels?” I asked with a smile.
She took one look at me, and turned away.
“In the hall cabinet,” she replied stoically.
I had to admit, I was impressed with her resistance. She was holding her own. She wouldn’t even let me kiss her anymore.
It was all good. At this point, the sexual tension was so thick I could have sliced right through it with my hard cock. I was enjoying it immensely, to tell you the truth.
Most girls dropped their panties without any hesitation, so it was nice to have to work for it for a change. I’d never admit that out loud to her, though, of course. And I liked the fact that I was making it as difficult as possible for her. It was fun watching her squirm.
She could pretend this was all business all she wanted, but once my cock slid into her, I knew all of that bullshit would melt away in an instant. Before the night was finished, I had every intention of hearing her whimper and moan.
I watched her putting on a pair of earrings in the mirror and smiled. What a beauty.
“You’re fucking stunning, Diana,” I said to her. She met my eyes in the mirror and smiled.
“Thank you,” she replied. She turned to me. “I just need to put on my shoes and I’m ready to go. Sapphire said to be there at nine.”
“Cool. Ready when you are,” I said, standing up and walking over to her. “I can guarantee you that nobody is going to mess with you tonight.”
“With you by my side? I’m sure of it.”
“The cut has a way of stopping shit in its tracks before it even gets started.”
“I bet,” she replied, smiling up at me. I leaned down and brushed her lips with mine. To my surprise, she didn’t resist this time, like she had the other three times I had tried to kiss her since she had gotten home. What can I say? I’m persistent.
Her lips softened under my touch and my tongue slid past them. Her arms slid around my waist as I pulled her close to me, my constant erection hard between us.
“Does that thing ever go away?” she asked as she pulled her lips from mine.
“Not until you give it what it wants,” I replied. She laughed, and I felt my heart surge with pleasure. I liked making her laugh, I liked the way her eyes sparkled with happiness. I liked being the one to put that happiness there.
Shit. What the fuck was wrong with me? I was growing soft around this girl. Well, all but that one part of me that wouldn’t let me forget about it no matter how hard I tried.
Maybe I was the one who needed to focus on business.
“Okay, so tell me how this is going to go down,” I said to her as we drove out of her garage. It was the first time I had left her place since last night, and luckily the elevator took us directly to the underground parking garage and I didn’t have to see the nutcracker again.
; I knew I had pissed him off royally, and I expected he would try to pull some shit to get back at me. When you hurt a man’s pride like that, they didn’t tend to forget or forgive very easily.
“When I was at the club last night, Sapphire couldn’t really talk to me, because she was in the middle of her shift. That’s why I had to get a lap dance from her, so she could talk to me and look like she was still working. It was very…distracting…though,” she said, a sly smile on her face. “Sapphire was Evie’s best friend. She told me to come back tonight before her shift at nine, and we could talk more then.”
“So, no lap dances?” I asked with a grin.
“No lap dances, Slade,” she replied. “Sorry to disappoint you.”
“Well, fuck.”
She burst out laughing.
“You’re fucking insatiable, aren’t you?” she asked through her laughter.
“I don’t know. How about you try to wear me out and we’ll see how long I can keep going?”
“I suspect that’ll never happen. The wearing you out part.”
“Well, we’d sure have a fine fucking time trying, wouldn’t we?” I replied.
“Yes, I suppose we would.”
Her smile faded and she grew pensive as she drove the rest of the way to the club. When she pulled into a parking space in Old Town, I looked around, my head suddenly filled with old ghosts.
“Fuck, this hasn’t changed one bit, huh?”
“What do you mean?” she asked.
“Same ol’ shit in Old Town. Homeless, druggies, street kids…and a whole bunch of fucking tourists with those huge pink boxes of donuts.” I shook my head. Fucking donuts.
Tres Shannon, a long-time icon in the Portland nightlife scene, had gotten the bright idea to open a fucking twenty-four hour donut store smack dab in the middle of the entertainment district, as they were calling it now, and fuck me if the tourists hadn’t shown up in droves. A line formed down the block, and people waited for hours to buy a donut shaped like a cock, or the signature voodoo doll donut with pretzel sticks for arms. Tres was a goddamned bazillionaire now, and he drove around town in a fucking vintage pink Mustang that he had had painted the same color as those damned pink boxes that the tourists so proudly carried around.
I loved the guy, but you had to hate him just a little too. Everything he touched turned to gold; he was just one of those guys.
I, on the other hand, was not one of those guys.
But fuck it, right? I looked over at Diana, and smiled. I wasn’t doing too bad, I guess.
The door guy at the Kit Kat Klub was the complete opposite of the nutcracker. He took one look at my cut, simply nodded at us, and parted the curtains to let us in.
Respect. That’s what the Gods of Chaos cut demanded. It was nice to be back in the real world, where common people knew what that meant.
As usual, the club was filled with completely naked women. Diana looked almost demure amongst all the nudity. We stopped just inside the entrance, taking it all in. I watched her as she scanned the room.
“Is the prick from last night here?” I asked under my breath.
“I don’t see him,” she replied.
“That’s too bad. I was looking forward to kicking his balls in.”
“I already did that,” she said, giggling.
“I guess you did, huh? Tell me again what you needed me for?” I asked.
“Shut up,” she replied, winking at me. I nodded. We both knew why she called me, and if she wanted to continue with her little charade, I was just fine with that. If I got a chance to watch a bunch of sexy chicks shake their ass in the meantime, well that was just fine with me.
“Fuck,” she said under her breath as she looked at the girl on the stage. I followed her gaze and nodded. Very nice. The girl dancing had long blonde curls down to her ass, and she whipped her body around the pole, pulling herself up by her hands and turning upside down like a gymnast.
“Impressive,” I said.
“Yeah, except that’s Sapphire, and she’s not supposed to be working yet.”
“Oh. Does this mean I get my lap dance after all?” I asked, teasingly. Diana punched me in the arm.
“Probably, goddammit,” she muttered.
“Excellent!” I replied. “I’m going to get a beer, you want one?”
“Sure. No, wait…get me a margarita, please.”
“Sure thing, beauty. Can’t wait to see what a little tequila does to you,” I said as I sauntered off, after she sat down at a small booth in the corner.
When I returned, Sapphire was still rocking the stage and Diana looked dejected.
“What’s up, beauty?” I asked.
“I guess I missed my chance.”
“At what?”
“Talking to Sapphire. She said she wasn’t starting till nine, and she’s going out of town tonight. This was my last chance.”
“Why can’t you talk to her now?”
“Because she’s working.”
“So what?” I reached for my wallet, and laid a couple of hundred dollars worth of twenties on the table. “She can talk and work, right?”
Diana groaned. “That’s what I was trying to do yesterday, but she was…I was, I mean…very distracted. It’s hard to ask questions of someone when they’re shaking their ass in your face.”
“Sounds like a party to me. Look, she’s getting off stage right now, let’s grab her and see what we can accomplish.”
I pulled Diana up and led her over to where Sapphire was walking off the stage. She walked right over to us when she spotted Diana. She was still naked, and yet, she grabbed Diana and pressed her against her for a giant bear hug, her tits squishing between them.
This was going to be a blast, I thought to myself.
“Diana! I’m so sorry. One of the other dancers didn’t show up and my boss made me start my shift early.”
“That’s okay,” Diana said.
Sapphire turned to me, and looked me up and down with a smile.
"Fuck, look at you. Is this your hot boyfriend?” she asked Diana.
“No!” Diana said, a little too enthusiastically for my taste. I snickered.
“No, I’m her bodyguard for the evening. Slade,” I said, extending my hand. I doubted I was going to be receiving the same greeting as Diana did. “Nice to meet you.”
She shook my hand, and then looked over my shoulder.
“My boss is giving me the stink-eye. Would you care for a lap dance?” she asked.
“Hell, yeah, we would.” I said. Diana looked at me sideways.
“Walk this way,” Sapphire said with a smile, turning around and providing us with a perfect view of her ass. For some reason, it made me think of Diana’s ass and how Diana’s view from behind was so much better.
Once we were settled in the private booth, Sapphire closed the curtain.
“Remember, there’s cameras,” she said, jutting her chin up at the top corner of the booth.
I laid out two hundred dollars on the booth.
“How long will this buy us?”
“Long enough,” she said with a wink as she started dancing in front of us.
“Sorry, Diana,” she said, turning to her and pressing Diana’s face into her chest. I laughed out loud and when she pulled away, I saw the look on Diana’s face.
It wasn’t embarrassment. It wasn’t anger. Curiosity, maybe? She wasn’t pulling away from Sapphire’s touch, that was for sure. My cock twitched as I watched Sapphire continue to do her thing as she spoke.
“I thought of something I wanted to tell you,” she said. “There was a man in here a few weeks ago talking to Evie. She said she had met him outside of work, but she didn’t say where. Real prick, though. Kept trying to get Evie to dance for him, but that wasn’t Evie’s job. She kept trying to send him my way, but he only had eyes for her. A lot of girls turn to dancing after cocktailing for a while, but Evie was determined to keep her clothes on. She didn’t care about the money.�
Sapphire turned around, and pushed her butt in my face, and slapped it. Diana jumped, and I laughed again. She had a nice ass, that was for sure. But it was Diana’s reactions that were entertaining me tonight.
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